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Machka 12-14-13 08:32 AM

Weekend Cycling/Exercise Reports - Dec 14/15
Is anyone out cycling these days? What about other sports like skiing? Tell us about your weekend activities. :)

- a little bit of walking. Not a nice summer day today.

Jakedatc 12-14-13 08:37 AM

Temps in the teens today and snow coming. Going to go rock climbing in the gym sunday morning before football games start

sat: made belgian waffles for breakfast :) nomm

Chief Brody 12-14-13 08:39 AM

Just finished a 17 mile ride...I decided I'd do one mile for every degree above 0F. The first 20 minutes were brutal, the next 30 were bearable, and the last 5 were miserable. I nearly turned back at the end of my street right out of the gate, but I stuck it out and I'm not sure that was the best idea, but I am proud I gutted it out.

Jakedatc 12-14-13 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by Chief Brody (Post 16329255)
Just finished a 17 mile ride...I decided I'd do one mile for every degree above 0F. The first 20 minutes were brutal, the next 30 were bearable, and the last 5 were miserable. I nearly turned back at the end of my street right out of the gate, but I stuck it out and I'm not sure that was the best idea, but I am proud I gutted it out.

haha crazy bastard.

cleansheet 12-14-13 10:03 AM

9 degrees and snowing. I'll go to the trainer with a soccer game on the tv.

Bontrager 12-14-13 10:54 AM

Going skiing if the weather's not too bad :)

StephenH 12-14-13 05:58 PM

I planned to take Friday off and do a 200k, then we had a brevet on Saturday. Well, the forecast for Friday turned into 80% chance of rain, so I postponed that vacation day, and then I came down with a mild case of the Flu Friday afternoon and spent most of today in bed. So my exercise has consisted of walking from the bed to the computer, about 5 feet.

thehammerdog 12-14-13 06:01 PM

rode my spin bike and hit weights running tomorrow

shoota 12-14-13 06:06 PM

I set my new PR of 71.5 miles today :)

MikeWMass 12-14-13 06:10 PM

I was planning to do what I expected to be the last road ride of the year, but it was 15 degrees and flakes were flying at 7 when I got up (I sleep in on the weekends). So I ran 10 K, and put the snow tires on the cars instead. Took the bikes down to the basement, will hit the rollers now and then (hate the trainer, mostly run when I don't/can't ride).

TexMac 12-14-13 08:26 PM

did 32 miles, 30 degrees and crazy winds I had to hold on tight to my bike. Texas

Kai Winters 12-14-13 09:17 PM

-1f this morning without the wind chill factor...rode the trainer...sigh...

jsigone 12-14-13 09:25 PM

took my new CX bike on a lil adventure. Went up Nate Harrison grade (dirt side of Palomar Mt). Was pretty gassed from my gearing, stayed in 36x28 whole way up (I'm going to need to switch to a 30-32T cassette). Tried to play w/ tire pressure to get off the saddle on the consistant 10+% grade but ended up pinch flatting half way up :crash: when I got to the top and running outta daylight and energy. Sleeping in and starting about 9:30 didn't help but I blessing not to have to layer up leaving that late. Temps on the grade was upper 60s and pockets warmth that the garmin read 82-84* where there wasn't much wind. Cooled down once I got to the tree line but once I flipped to the other side of the ridge the temps dropped to the low 50's plus gusty winds. That made for a pretty cold decent back down into the warm valley. Disc brakes on a 5000ft decent is darn pretty cool but not knowing how much to lean high roller knobby cx tires on the other hand was a bit scary. Brakes did a great job slowing me down enough not to lean in too much. Zero brake fad from that long decent
half way up Nates pano by jsig1, on Flickr
up up and away....err more ups by jsig1, on Flickr
around 4100ft on nate harrison grade by jsig1, on Flickr
chilly above 5k ft by jsig1, on Flickr
clear views to downtown san diego from Palomar Mt by jsig1, on Flickr
Overlooking southgrade by jsig1, on Flickr

Machka 12-15-13 07:04 AM

Sunday - lots of walking. As an education guess (we used a pedometer for some of it), I'd put it at about 5 km all up.

Today ... we went for a long walk on the beach. It was nice out there and the ocean water was warm to wade in. It's a bit more of workout walking through waves.

While we walked, we watched a gull flying a few feet above the waves ... then "pounce" ... then, with something hanging from its bill, it flew up in the air, over the beach, and dropped the item. As soon as the item dropped, the gull dropped out of the sky too ... and then ate. And repeat.

Once, the gull had to drop the item twice. We figure the item didn't open on the first drop.

We got there shortly after one of these drop and eat exercises and discovered the items were cockles.

The gull had a good feed!! And it was interesting to watch.

And then later in the day we walked to the local Carols by Candlelight (from where we had to park the car).

Jakedatc 12-15-13 08:45 AM

some parts of the bike path/ MUP near my house get scattered with shells from seagulls doing what you saw.

Dudelsack 12-15-13 09:25 AM

I was going to spin today, but right now I have bad diarrhea.

10 Wheels 12-15-13 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Dudelsack (Post 16331622)
I was going to spin today, but right now I have bad diarrhea.

When did you ever have Good Diarrhea?

Dudelsack 12-15-13 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by 10 Wheels (Post 16331629)
When did you ever have Good Diarrhea?

Prior to a colonoscopy :lol:

dave1442397 12-15-13 11:31 AM

I'm plugging away to get to my 7,500 mile goal for the year - only 123 miles to go now :)

Friday I did a solo ride, 41 miles in 30F weather, but it was sunny and not too windy, so quite a nice ride.

I wanted to go out Saturday, but the weather forecast said it would be snowing by 9am, so I went to the gym instead. Of course, it didn't start snowing until 11:30, which is exactly when I get home from my usual Saturday ride...grr.

We had snow late into the evening on Saturday, followed by freezing rain turning to rain. We figured the roads would be ok this morning, with temps in the low 30s, so I met up with two friends and did 57 miles. The wind was picking up the whole way, so we were riding into a 20mph headwind for the second half of the ride.

I don't think I can get to 8,000 miles, but 7,500 should be easy with 16 days to go.

Reynolds 12-15-13 04:58 PM

105 km in 4 hrs, easy pace but only 3 3min stops to recharge water. Temp 33ºC (southern hemisphere) and some wind. Drank 3 liters water, didn't eat on the ride.

Carbonfiberboy 12-15-13 08:42 PM

Had bronchial infection, coughing up lungers, so went on an easy ride with the Laughing Group. Bridged up to the B group on the early climbs, went off the front with another tandem on the downwind leg, but mostly took it easy. 33 miles. Lungs were enormously better after the ride. This is always the case with me. When I'm sick, I always try to go on a moderate bike ride. Oddly, 4 hours in the rain seems best. Fixes me right up. Seems to reduce inflammation. No research to support this AFAIK, but the rheumatoid arthritis sufferer whom I ride with says it does.

Today was 45°-48° and dry, very nice riding. Wore just my new Pearl Izumi softshell on top, very comfortable.

quadripper 12-15-13 10:17 PM

Jsigone Those are awesome photos! Cool!

My ride today, 54 mi, 1300 ft gain. Longest ride in December! Low mileage this month.
On the way to out, a group of 3 cyclists passed me and i was able to keep up and draft for maybe 2 miles, pulled me into town, a nice little boost.
First hilly ride with my new speedometer, maxed out at 55kmh or 34 mph on the down hill section.

Long Tom 12-15-13 10:54 PM

Well, I was gonna put up a mopey-ass post about a whole lot of nuthin' as far as riding... weather has been terrible.... BUT a buddy and I got out and spun an easy 32 miles today, so that was awesome!

MagicHour 12-16-13 08:22 AM

With busy schedule and snowy, crap weather in NYC I've taken to running the last week, to help maintain fitness and stave off winter weight/blues. 3.6mi sunday.

bikecrate 12-16-13 08:35 AM

I’m in a bit of a cycling funk. I’ve missed out on my usual weeknight rides lately due to work schedule etc. My weekend total miles are down a bit as well. Anyways, I was out Saturday for 35 miles. Sunday, started with a flat tire on my road bike a few miles from my house. I walked home and grabbed my hybrid and took off again. It was overcast, cool and breezy, but I got to try out the recently opened Courtney Campbell trail. I thought the trail completely crossed from Tampa to Clearwater, but no. I’m hoping there are plans to finish it. Not the most enjoyable ride, but I still got in 35 miles or so.

skoobywrx 12-16-13 09:29 AM

Rode Malibu Canyons this weekend, while here for a business trip.

First 26 miles:

I dunno if this is correct elevations, or if there was an error on my upload.

Then a cool down from Malibu to Santa Monica/Venice and back, for a beer and a schnitzle, that i didnt record.

So total almost 50miles

Fox Farm 12-16-13 09:48 AM

Saturday morning rode the mountain bike with my 7-year old buddy boy as the sun came out and melted the frozen frost that was covering everything in the Bohemia landscape of Czech Republic. He was good for about an hour. After lunch I took the road bike out for a few hours until the light began to wain. Stopped for hot tea at a holiday fair at the castle in Strakonice.

Yankeetowner 12-16-13 09:50 AM

Saturday morning on the Withlacoochee Trail 70-77 degrees and perfect for our 35 mile ride...2 PM the skies opened up and we had 3-5 inches of rain Saturday and Sunday.

fuel0707 12-16-13 09:53 AM

Did about 46 minutes on one of the bike machines at a downtown hotel in a White Plains, NY, on Saturday. Sunday was a loss for exercise - long work day.

mLuMaN83 12-16-13 10:04 AM


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