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bro 03-26-14 09:50 AM

today my friends kilo tt came in the mail, dat boi is tight! first one ive seen in person.

LesterOfPuppets 03-26-14 10:34 AM

I'm watching the Milano-San Remo again, trying to psyche myself up for a rain ride.

kungfu 03-26-14 10:49 AM

If just finished day 2 of rushfit, see .... its a 6 days week program 30 minutes really good for pre bike season work out.

Im dying right now.

bmontgomery87 03-26-14 11:01 AM

It's like crossfit and beachbody had a baby, and this 140 pound guy popped out and decided to make this. haha

how does it compare to p90?

johnnytheboy 03-26-14 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by bro (Post 16613037)
today my friends kilo tt came in the mail, dat boi is tight! first one ive seen in person.

kungfu 03-26-14 07:32 PM

Dont know P90, but as I can see on youtube looks like the guy from shamwow yelling at you all the time. I prefer the mind of GSP and the feeling of a UFC training.

Maybe P90 is just to get slim, in rushfit there is more muscle stuff with dumbbells

I posted that youtube video for guys like you, you can check it out !

Or google rushfit vs p90

GMJ 03-27-14 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 16612347)
i forgot since it just ****ing SNOWED a week into spring here. ugh.

We're leaving to drive up to Red Hook today. Do you think its going to be dry by Saturday?


Mumonkan 03-27-14 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by GMJ (Post 16615971)
We're leaving to drive up to Red Hook today. Do you think its going to be dry by Saturday?


well the snow is gone, it was a bull**** dusting i was just pissed that its still this cold

tomorrow its supposed to rain a lot which would be more of a problem, itl probably still be a bit moist at racetime which should make it interesting (again)

TMonk 03-27-14 12:17 PM

ya try not to die - be careful out there

didn't like 99% of the riders crash last time? redhook is a high profile event, that attracts media attention and riders of very high caliber, but I'll pass on riding a crit with most of those riders in any conditions.

seau grateau 03-27-14 02:12 PM

I believe five people finished last year.

Jared. 03-27-14 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by GMJ (Post 16615971)
We're leaving to drive up to Red Hook today. Do you think its going to be dry by Saturday?


It's supposed to rain all day Saturday, unfortunately. I was going to spectate, but won't be dragging my ass out to Red Hook if it's going to be raining.

prooftheory 03-27-14 02:41 PM

paid off my student loans.

TMonk 03-27-14 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by seau grateau (Post 16617345)
I believe five people finished last year.

Well ya but I assume that they pulled riders who were being lapped and not all of them crashed.

TMonk 03-27-14 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by prooftheory (Post 16617431)
paid off my student loans.

i'm jelly.

seau grateau 03-27-14 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by prooftheory (Post 16617431)
paid off my student loans.

Cheers to you.

63_dorinte 03-27-14 04:32 PM

Today I:

Rode 22 miles on the rollers at moderate pace, still recovering from being sick.

Also cleaned up an old set of wheels for a project. Still need to put the hubs back together and mount tires, maybe tomorrow.

Huffandstuff 03-27-14 05:39 PM

Lost out on a 25 dollar complete Chicago Schwinn because I was at work. I want an old beater/project bike so bad but all the cheap CL finds get snatched up so quick

Mumonkan 03-27-14 06:12 PM

today i: found this video and my brain melted a little bit

talk amongst yourselves.

Nagrom_ 03-27-14 08:48 PM

I'm glad SF has installed narrow green taxi cab lanes everywhere.

If I had a dollar for every time I've yelled "you're a ****ing idiot" since having started commuting in the city, I'd have 3 dollars. It's been 6 days. I can't remember the last time I swore at someone on the bike prior.

Jared. 03-27-14 08:48 PM

How ridiculous is this cop. Hope that dude got it dismissed.

Edit: Saw in subsequent video that it was dismissed.

Dannihilator 03-27-14 09:06 PM

Today I installed a demolition crankset and a diety vendetta crankset on the dmr. Guess I'm keeping the dmr.

bones_mcbones 03-27-14 09:13 PM

guy - "dotted yellow line"

cop - silence

JamesCraps 03-28-14 10:02 AM

Cleaned my room, opened all these boxes, and screwed some stuff together

bmontgomery87 03-28-14 10:21 AM

looks good so far.

LesterOfPuppets 03-28-14 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by JamesCraps (Post 16619820)
Cleaned my room, opened all these boxes, and screwed some stuff together

What's on your steerer? Possible stack height markings?

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