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franswa 07-23-15 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 18005478)
you are a braver man than i, that business can definitely turn you out for sure

i only ask because i shot exactly 3 weddings, after that i realized i could never make a living doing that without killing myself and several other people. the only one i liked was the super traditional mexican wedding, now that was dope.

6 years in and I am feeling the burns.

I've been fairly fortunate and have not had any difficult couples. Now the parents on the other hand....they are the true challenges.

I feel like I've learned how to manage the expectations of my clients really well throughout the years and that has proven to be very valuable. I myself am not into the mega huge weddings that just try to outdo their peers' weddings. All is lost on all the splendor and details. I've done my fair share of small celebrations and elopements in really unique locations and those are my favorites by far.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd be any good at handling such a high stress event that seems to put all the emphasis on all the wrong things. But it does wear you down pretty good and I'm glad it's seasonal.

I also never thought I'd ever ride a single speed bike as much as I do. Maybe I should try more new things.

hairnet 07-23-15 07:47 PM

Today I overhauled a BB. Dont always get to see bearings so shot to death.

I also dislike the updated Imgur app on my phone.

spRICE 07-23-15 07:58 PM

Today I crashed going down a hill I've done a million times. I was going slower than usual too. And I was wearing my brand new road shoes I literally got today. Feels bad man :(

hairnet 07-23-15 08:17 PM

Just breaking them in :thumb:

Hope you're OK.

spRICE 07-23-15 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by hairnet (Post 18008272)
Just breaking them in :thumb:

Hope you're OK.

Haha yeah now I don't have to worry about keeping them pretty. And I got some pretty bad road rash on my right leg and left knuckles, but nothing that won't heal.

Noli Timere 07-23-15 08:27 PM

Wasn't it Evel Knievel that said, "Bones heal, pain is temporary, and chicks dig scars."

Feel better!

Noli Timere 07-23-15 08:30 PM

Just remembered, The Simpsons version of the quote is much better... "Bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the United States of America has the best doctor-to-daredevil ratio in the world."

franswa 07-23-15 08:32 PM

I find that bourbon helps in these situations.

Muffin Man 07-23-15 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by hairnet (Post 18008196)
I also dislike the updated Imgur app on my phone.

The imgur android app is absolute crap.

hairnet 07-23-15 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by Muffin Man (Post 18008386)
The imgur android app is absolute crap.

That's the one! :crash:

rex615 07-24-15 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by spRICE (Post 18008224)
Today I crashed going down a hill :(

Hope the road rash wasn't too bad.

Gravity, why?

sheepdog84 07-24-15 07:53 AM

Today (and over the past few days) I've learned that i probably have a gluten sensitivity/allergy/intolerance/whatever. this **** blows.

However, i've felt astronomically better without the stuff- and i'm riding harder, further, and more frequently than ever before.

Jared. 07-24-15 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by sheepdog84 (Post 18009216)
Today (and over the past few days) I've learned that i probably have a gluten sensitivity/allergy/intolerance/whatever. this **** blows.

However, i've felt astronomically better without the stuff- and i'm riding harder, further, and more frequently than ever before.

Took me years to figure out (since it wasn't as "popular" 10+ years ago). I'm also very fortunate for it to not be too serious. Best of luck sorting it all out.

T13 07-24-15 10:40 AM

I thought the whole gluten thing had been dismissed as some sort of placebo effect, like god or the easter bunny. You guys really can tell a difference?

Mumonkan 07-24-15 10:52 AM

tell that to my bff's wife, she has:

What is Celiac Disease? - Celiac Disease Foundation

TMonk 07-24-15 10:56 AM

I think there may actually be something to the whole gluten intolerance thing... Fortunately I don't seem to be affected. I have a cousin who is full-blown celiac, learned about it 10 years ago before it became trendy. Most people I know aren't affected, but there seems to be a continuum between someone who is full on celiac and someone who doesn't respond like myself. Thank god, as I love pizza and beer.

As much as people are becoming aware of gluten consumption, I feel like it's become a fad - it's ingrained into the popular conscious. People who are hypochondriac or easily persuaded by diet fads and social trends are certainly inflating gluten intolerance statistics IMHO.

TenSpeedV2 07-24-15 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by TMonk (Post 18009889)
As much as people are becoming aware of gluten consumption, I feel like it's become a fad - it's ingrained into the popular conscious. People who are hypochondriac or easily persuaded by diet fads and social trends are certainly inflating gluten intolerance statistics IMHO.

Truer words have never been spoken. I remember when the whole MSG thing happened at Chinese restaurants. Bunch of phooey if you ask me. I tried it with and without and couldn't tell a damn difference.

SquidPuppet 07-24-15 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by TenSpeedV2 (Post 18009898)
Truer words have never been spoken. I remember when the whole MSG thing happened at Chinese restaurants. Bunch of phooey if you ask me. I tried it with and without and couldn't tell a damn difference.

MSG ferks me up bad and it aint in my head. Decades ago, before all the hullabaloo, I noticed negative stuff and tracked it down to MSG. My hands and feet swell up as if my kidneys had failed, watery burning eyes, muscle aches and I'd ITCH all over. Plus I'd just feel like crap, like a bad hangover.

After eliminating it from my diet, 20 years later I unknowingly ate some at my Aunts house. I started to develop the symptoms, and within an hour they were all there, full blown. I asked my Aunt if she put any MSG in her soup. She said that she hadn't, but she used Maggi flavor enhancer. She had no clue that Maggi is like 99.9% MSG.

Mumonkan 07-24-15 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by TMonk (Post 18009889)
As much as people are becoming aware of gluten consumption, I feel like it's become a fad - it's ingrained into the popular conscious. People who are hypochondriac or easily persuaded by diet fads and social trends are certainly inflating gluten intolerance statistics IMHO.


this happens with everything, everyone thinks theyre so healthy cuz theyre eating gluten free fat free no carb everything, a good amount of people have no idea what that means or how it effects them. these are the same people who wear victorias secret "workout clothes" and walk on the MUP with a phone in one hand scrolling thru instagram and talking on the phone to their bffs with a starbucks double pump extra soy no fat no whip caramel latte in the other hand.

and they wonder why they cant "just lost 3 pounds"

prooftheory 07-24-15 11:26 AM

Celiac is legit but it should be diagnosed by a doctor. @sheepdog84 made it sound like he was just self-diagnosing and basically any time people change their diet dramatically they lose weight and feel better for the first few days or weeks. That is why you have all these wacky fad diets like "The cupcakes only diet" or the "Eat like a Gaucho diet". They basically all work because of the way the body reacts to change but then once your body gets used to it, it isn't as good. My stepdad was on a paleo diet and seemed happy with it but I challenged him to go vegan for a month and see if he felt worse and he couldn't believe that he felt better, even though he was eating lots of grain. It wasn't the diet itself; it was the change in diet.

TenSpeedV2 07-24-15 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 18009989)

this happens with everything, everyone thinks theyre so healthy cuz theyre eating gluten free fat free no carb everything, a good amount of people have no idea what that means or how it effects them. these are the same people who wear victorias secret "workout clothes" and walk on the MUP with a phone in one hand scrolling thru instagram and talking on the phone to their bffs with a starbucks double pump extra soy no fat no whip caramel latte in the other hand.

and they wonder why they cant "just lost 3 pounds"

I kind of want to hug you right now. Seriously. Speak it my man!!!!

Kindaslow 07-24-15 11:30 AM

Just found out my dog has cancer and she is too old to safely treat, or humanely treat.

Going riding now, listen to some Hendrix, and maybe get lost for awhile!!!

TMonk 07-24-15 11:33 AM

That meme is awesome @Mumonkan :lol:

T13 07-24-15 11:43 AM

Just so you guys know, I was excluding the Celiac's disease people. I was talking about everyone else on the no gluten train...

SquidPuppet 07-24-15 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Kindaslow (Post 18010017)
Just found out my dog has cancer and she is too old to safely treat, or humanely treat.

Going riding now, listen to some Hendrix, and maybe get lost for awhile!!!

Well that just sucks. Condolences.

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