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merider1 03-20-08 12:09 PM

So Cal Peeps, What Pet Should I Get?
I need something to love.

I've tried a man before (more times than I care to reveal) and although they are fantastic for petting, the rest of the care on these animals is daunting, so I'm thinking of going smaller. A child I'd either have to bear (I'm not stretching it, so that's out) or adopt (can't afford it). So, now I’m thinking small and possibly furry?

Anyway, here are my current stats

1. I live in a one bedroom apartment with a window unit, but no air conditioning (thus, a Chinchilla is out as they need cooler temperatures to survive).
2. I’m hardly ever home. I leave between 5:30-8:00am every morning, and don’t return until after 8:00pm most evenings. I’m usually out riding all day Saturday and Sunday.
3. I’m messy. Sometimes, I’m a slob. Sometimes, my place is so clean, you could eat off the floor, but I think an animal in a cage or confined is likely best.
4. I love to pet things and coo to them…a tarantula would hate me and likely bite me…repeatedly.
5. I have asthma, so less fur (but not NO fur) is best. A cat is out, period, and no I won’t budge so don’t try talking me into adopting one.

So, So Calers, anyone own any of the pets I’ve listed and can honestly suggest it to love?

merider1 03-20-08 12:22 PM

Brandy, do you have a guinea pig? Have you ever owned one?

jsharr 03-20-08 12:23 PM

You sound like the perfect owner for a pet rock.

JTGraphics 03-20-08 12:24 PM

To be honest 60 gal Fish Tank big enough to really enjoy salt or fresh, if interested let me know and I have a nephew that can hook you up and get you started he helps over at Strictly Fish Lakewood.
I'm a dog person but I live in a house with a big yard.
I like dogs because they are always happy to see you and never talk back :)
Cats can do the same but if our in a apartment thats warm you may not like the smell after a while. ;)

By the way I do have 1 Dog, 6 birds, 1 Snake and a 200 gal. fish tank right now so I do have experience with these, I've had 3 dogs at one time once.

bitingduck 03-20-08 12:24 PM

I can supply you with a cat. They're way more durable than things like gerbils and guinea pigs.

I also have a tarantula-- they're extremely low maintenance.

And you can get cat wax for the cat to keep it from irritating your asthma. It woould also make you pet it more.

jsharr 03-20-08 12:25 PM

In all seriousness, how abou a lizard, like a leopard gecko. Cool coloration, fun to watch them eat crickets. Low maintenance, check water daily, toss in a few crickets every few days. Like it warm. My son has one and my wife loves to play with it.

merider1 03-20-08 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by jsharr (Post 6374274)
You sound like the perfect owner for a pet rock.

I'd kill it.

merider1 03-20-08 12:34 PM

Chris - I do NOT want a cat. Cats are PITAs. I've had one and I woke up with the cat's butt in my face every morning. No thank you! Tarantulas are just not warm and fuzzy.

Jsharr - lizards and such are very delicate animals that require special lights and care. And turtle, by the way, are one of the most abused pets as people have no clue how to care for them. Very high maintenance!

Cassave 03-20-08 12:41 PM

Just get another bike and name it Rover.

merider1 03-20-08 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Cassave (Post 6374398)
Just get another bike and name it Rover.

Sure, I could get another bike or another man. But then it's just stroking and not petting. :rolleyes:

I want something I can PET, and preferably something that's happy to see me.

Psydotek 03-20-08 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by merider1 (Post 6374414)
Sure, I could get another bike or another man. But then it's just stroking and not petting. :rolleyes:

I want something I can PET, and preferably something that's happy to see me.

must... resist... :eek:

prendrefeu 03-20-08 01:00 PM

I voted for a Gerbil because of all the possibilities, it's the lowest maintenance and it will be very happy to see you when you're home (because you can give it food, change out the newspaper, etc:.)

Plus, they're cute. Hampsters are another possibility - and you can have either one in it's own little "ball" scurrying around your apartment while you're home, which is both entertaining and refreshing to have.

The other choices - well, I voted on them just 'cause. If you don't commute by bicycle to work, and you can take your dog with you into the office (unless you're working corporate... which I think you are, right?) then a dog will be an excellent choice. A good friend of mine living in New York has a dog - sometimes the dog comes to the office, depending on the weather, or sometimes at home. She's an architect and lives a very active lifestyle, hardly ever home - but the dog is very happy and well taken care of. I can guarantee that her apartment is smaller than yours, too!

merider1 03-20-08 01:05 PM

Thanks, Alex. And I saw choices. :rolleyes::p Seriously, I would love to have a little doggie. I love dogs and that animal would be spoiled. But I knew myself so well that seven years ago when I moved into my apartment, I chose a place where dogs are not allowed. :( So, no doggie for me!

As for a gerbil. Do they stink? Are they loud? Do they seriously like humans? I'm leaning toward a guinea pig, but they are high maintenance. Not as much as a dog, but close. Plus, I don't have a whole heck of a lot of room to play with and you have to get a fairly large cage for a guinea. But they are soooo cute and they do like humans and are very cuddly. They also make little noises.

MarkAJ 03-20-08 01:09 PM

Rock! Only get one. That is all the time you can afford.

merider1 03-20-08 01:10 PM

:cry: You people had better stop voting that I don't get a pet cause I'm a nut case. I mean, it's true and all, and I voted that for myself, but still...:mad:

I'll have you all know that I would love a little furry critter and hug him and squeeze him and pet him...:D

MarkAJ 03-20-08 01:12 PM

I would help out, but I just shaved my back this week.

East Hill 03-20-08 01:14 PM

I went for snake. They aren't the cuddliest creatures, but they are definitely low maintenance, and prefer higher temperatures...

East Hill

gr@sshopper 03-20-08 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by merider1 (Post 6374414)
Sure, I could get another bike or another man. But then it's just stroking and not petting. :rolleyes:

I want something I can PET, and preferably something that's happy to see me.

I'm really really fuzzy!

Seriously, what about a rabbit? male would mark things, but females don't so much. They are easier to litter train than cats, and have personality. They can chew things though.

I think most rodents stink though.

prendrefeu 03-20-08 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by merider1 (Post 6374559)
As for a gerbil. Do they stink? Are they loud? Do they seriously like humans? I'm leaning toward a guinea pig, but they are high maintenance. Not as much as a dog, but close. Plus, I don't have a whole heck of a lot of room to play with and you have to get a fairly large cage for a guinea. But they are soooo cute and they do like humans and are very cuddly. They also make little noises.

Gerbils don't stink too bad so long as you change out the trays of the cage often enough (just like having a cat in the house, except the gerbil won't scratch the kitty litter over their pile). If you want to you can also construct an elaborate and complex network of tubes around your house for the gerbil to explore in... wouldn't that be something? ;)

Oh - how about a rabbit? Cage may need to be big, and you may need to do a bit of cleaning up so that rabbit doesn't nibble on everything it can find, but it would be a *great* option, I think.

And as for men - there is someone out there for you, I'm sure of it. He will return the enthusiasm and love that you would give him, and will have an equally active and busy lifestyle. He will also enjoy the cuddling/petting/whatever you do to men. This will happen, I know it. :D

merider1 03-20-08 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by MarkAJ (Post 6374610)
I would help out, but I just shaved my back this week.

That is just not an image any of us need...:rolleyes::p

merider1 03-20-08 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by prendrefeu (Post 6374640)

And as for men - there is someone out there for you, I'm sure of it. He will return the enthusiasm and love that you would give him, and will have an equally active and busy lifestyle. He will also enjoy the cuddling/petting/whatever you do to men. This will happen, I know it. :D

:rolleyes: Did you see a man in the Poll? Hmmm? I don't think that was an option, now was it?

Trust me. I'm far better off getting a rodent. ;):p

merider1 03-20-08 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by gr@sshopper (Post 6374633)
I'm really really fuzzy!

Seriously, what about a rabbit? male would mark things, but females don't so much. They are easier to litter train than cats, and have personality. They can chew things though.

I think most rodents stink though.

Well, you I would like to pet and mainly cause you're injured and a little TLC is good for that. ;) But you're too big to fit in a cage.

As for a rabbit, I would love one, but rabbits need even larger cages than a guinea would and I just don't have the space.

Maybe I'll just get a gold fish and call it a day. :(

Tunnelrat81 03-20-08 01:33 PM

Get a greyhound. Easy to keep, just a short walk or two each day and the rest of the time they lay around relaxing...Unless you're home, then they follow you around the house keeping you company. Great apartment dogs too. A bit of shedding, and NO smell. =)


Crash716 03-20-08 01:35 PM

I picked # 6....but i am a pervert and couldn't resist.

merider1 03-20-08 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Tunnelrat81 (Post 6374754)
Get a greyhound. Easy to keep, just a short walk or two each day and the rest of the time they lay around relaxing...Unless you're home, then they follow you around the house keeping you company. Great apartment dogs too. A bit of shedding, and NO smell. =)


You clearly do not understand the concept of an apartment building where dogs are not allowed. Unless I can fold a greyhound up and hide it in the closet, no can do. :p

merider1 03-20-08 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by Crash716 (Post 6374770)
I picked # 6....but i am a pervert and couldn't resist.

I'd rather you offer me something to pet than call me a nut case.

All of those voters are in trouble...:mad:


GP 03-20-08 01:42 PM

Get a nice palm, like a Kentia.

1955 03-20-08 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by merider1 (Post 6374688)
Well, you I would like to pet and mainly cause you're injured and a little TLC is good for that. ;) But you're too big to fit in a cage.

As for a rabbit, I would love one, but rabbits need even larger cages than a guinea would and I just don't have the space.

Maybe I'll just get a gold fish and call it a day. :(

I don't know if you're allergic to cats, but I am and I'm even more allergic to rabbits!!!

merider1 03-20-08 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Grumpy Pig (Post 6374821)
Get a nice palm, like a Kentia.

Will you people quit suggesting wood or rocks.

Psydotek 03-20-08 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by merider1 (Post 6374902)
Will you people quit suggesting wood or rocks.

Hay! You're the one that put number 6 as an option...;)

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